Enabling automatic user deprovisioning

This article describes the Automatic User Deprovisioning feature and its benefits.


  • You must be a partner administrator for both BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne.
  • You must have login credentials for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne. If you do not have them, contact your administrator.
  • You must have the same email address for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne accounts.
  • Before the Automatic User Deprovisioning feature can be enabled, the Enable Log In with KaseyaOne toggle must be activated.

Automatic User Deprovisioning feature

The Automatic User Deprovisioning feature automatically deactivates a user in BullPhish ID when the user is deactivated or deleted in KaseyaOne.

NOTE  Users cannot be deleted in BullPhish ID. Therefore, if a user is deleted in KaseyaOne, the user will be deactivated in BullPhish ID.

When enabled, the feature provides the following benefits:

  • When you deactivate or delete users in KaseyaOne, you no longer need to manually deactivate each user in BullPhish ID, resulting in a more efficient offboarding process.
  • It helps prevent security and billing issues. If you don’t enable the Automatic User Deprovisioning feature, security and billing concerns may occur when user accounts are offboarded in KaseyaOne but the accounts are mistakenly left active in BullPhish ID.

You enable the Automatic User Deprovisioning feature on the KaseyaOne tab on the MSP's Settings page.

User Access table

The User Access table lists your organization’s users and includes the following information:

  • Name: User’s name.
  • Email: User’s email address.
  • Account Type: User’s assigned user role.
  • Account Status: Indicates whether the user account is enabled in BullPhish ID.
  • Phishing Access: If selected, the user has access to the Phishing Simulation module.
  • Training Access: If selected, the user has access to the Training & Awareness module.
  • Last Login: Date and time the user last logged into BullPhish ID.

NOTE  User account status in BullPhish ID is separate from user account status in DarkWeb ID.

Partner User Access table

At the MSP level, the table is called the Partner User Access table and is accessed via the Partner User Access tab on the Settings page.

SMB User Access table

At the organization level, the table is called the SMB User Access table and is accessed on the organization’s Settings page.


This information applies to both the Partner User Access table and the SMB User Access table. 

  • Only the module information for which the organization has a subscription is displayed. In this example, the organization has a phishing subscription but not a training subscription. Therefore, the Training Access column is not displayed.
  • The logged in user’s own record is locked, meaning the user cannot edit or delete their own record. In this example, EJ is logged in and therefore, the corresponding record is locked.